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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
page 34 of 49 (69%)
than myself: and so Bruncker, and T. Harvy, and I, were there to answer:
and I had a chair brought me to lean my books upon: and so did give them
such an account, in a series of the whole business that had passed the
Office touching the matter, and so answered all questions given me about
it, that I did not perceive but they were fully satisfied with me and the
business as to our Office: and then Commissioner Pett (who was by at all
my discourse, and this held till within an hour after candlelight, for I
had candles brought in to read my papers by) was to answer for himself, we
having lodged all matters with him for execution. But, Lord! what a
tumultuous thing this Committee is, for all the reputation they have of a
great council, is a strange consideration; there being as impertinent
questions, and as disorderly proposed, as any man could make. But
Commissioner Pett, of all men living, did make the weakest defence for
himself: nothing to the purpose, nor to satisfaction, nor certain; but
sometimes one thing and sometimes another, sometimes for himself and
sometimes against him; and his greatest failure was, that I observed, from
his [not] considering whether the question propounded was his part to
answer or no, and the thing to be done was his work to do: the want of
which distinction will overthrow him; for he concerns himself in giving an
account of the disposal of the boats, which he had no reason at all to do,
or take any blame upon him for them. He charged the not carrying up of
"The Charles" upon the Tuesday, to the Duke of Albemarle; but I see the
House is mighty favourable to the Duke of Albemarle, and would give little
weight to it. And something of want of armes he spoke, which Sir J.
Duncomb answered with great imperiousness and earnestness; but, for all
that, I do see the House is resolved to be better satisfied in the
business of the unreadiness of Sherenesse, and want of armes and
ammunition there and every where: and all their officers were here to-day
attending, but only one called in, about armes for boats, to answer
Commissioner Pett. None of my brethren said anything but me there, but
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