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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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more than ever Embassador spent there, and more than these Commissioners
of the Treasury will or do allow. And they demand an account before they
will give him any more money; which puts all his friends to a loss what to
answer. But more money we must get him, or to be called home. I offer to
speak to Sir W. Coventry about it; but my Lord will not advise to it,
without consent of Sir G. Carteret. So home, and there to see Sir W.
Batten, who fell sick yesterday morning: He is asleep: and so I could not
see him; but in an hour after, word is brought me that he is so ill, that
it is believed he cannot live till to-morrow, which troubles me and my
wife mightily, partly out of kindness, he being a good neighbour and
partly because of the money he owes me, upon our bargain of the late
prize. So home and to supper and to bed.

5th. Up, and to the Office; and there all the morning; none but my Lord
Anglesey and myself; but much surprized with the news of the death of Sir
W. Batten, who died this morning, having been but two days sick. Sir W.
Pen and I did dispatch a letter this morning to Sir W. Coventry, to
recommend Colonel Middleton, who we think a most honest and understanding
man, and fit for that place. Sir G. Carteret did also come this morning,
and walked with me in the garden; and concluded not to concern [himself]
or have any advice made to Sir W. Coventry, in behalf of my Lord
Sandwich's business; so I do rest satisfied, though I do think they are
all mad, that they will judge Sir W. Coventry an enemy, when he is indeed
no such man to any body, but is severe and just, as he ought to be, where
he sees things ill done. At noon home, and by coach to Temple Bar to a
India shop, and there bought a gown and sash, which cost me 26s., and so
she [Mrs. Pepys] and Willet away to the 'Change, and I to my Lord Crew,
and there met my Lord Hinchingbroke and Lady Jemimah, and there dined with
them and my Lord, where pretty merry, and after dinner my Lord Crew and
Hinchingbroke and myself went aside to discourse about my Lord Sandwich's
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