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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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business, which is in a very ill state for want of money, and so parted,
and I to my tailor's, and there took up my wife and Willet, who staid
there for me, and to the Duke of York's playhouse, but the house so full,
it being a new play, "The Coffee House," that we could not get in, and so
to the King's house: and there, going in, met with Knepp, and she took us
up into the tireing-rooms: and to the women's shift, where Nell was
dressing herself, and was all unready, and is very pretty, prettier than I
thought. And so walked all up and down the house above, and then below
into the scene-room, and there sat down, and she gave us fruit and here I
read the questions to Knepp, while she answered me, through all her part
of "Flora's Figary's," which was acted to-day. But, Lord! to see how they
were both painted would make a man mad, and did make me loath them; and
what base company of men comes among them, and how lewdly they talk! and
how poor the men are in clothes, and yet what a shew they make on the
stage by candle-light, is very observable. But to see how Nell cursed,
for having so few people in the pit, was pretty; the other house carrying
away all the people at the new play, and is said, now-a-days, to have
generally most company, as being better players. By and by into the pit,
and there saw the play, which is pretty good, but my belly was full of
what I had seen in the house, and so, after the play done, away home, and
there to the writing my letters, and so home to supper and to bed.

6th (Lord's day). Up, and dressed myself, and so walked out with the boy
to Smithfield to Cow Lane, to Lincolne's, and there spoke with him, and
agreed upon the hour to-morrow, to set out towards Brampton; but vexed
that he is not likely to go himself, but sends another for him. Here I
took a hackney coach, and to White Hall, and there met Sir W. Coventry,
and discoursed with him, and then with my Lord Bruncker, and many others,
to end my matters in order to my going into the country to-morrow for five
or six days, which I have not done for above three years. Walked with
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