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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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Creed into the Park a little, and at last went into the Queen's side, and
there saw the King and Queen, and saw the ladies, in order to my hearing
any news stirring to carry into the country, but met with none, and so
away home by coach, and there dined, and W. How come to see me, and after
dinner parted, and I to my writing to my Lord Sandwich, which is the
greatest business I have to do before my going into the country, and in
the evening to my office to set matters to rights there, and being in the
garden Sir W. Pen did come to me, and fell to discourse about the business
of "The Flying Greyhound," wherein I was plain to him and he to me, and at
last concluded upon my writing a petition to the Duke of York for a
certain ship, The Maybolt Gallyott, and he offers to give me L300 for my
success, which, however, I would not oblige him to, but will see the issue
of it by fair play, and so I did presently draw a petition, which he
undertakes to proffer to the Duke of York, and solicit for me, and will
not seem to doubt of his success. So I wrote, and did give it him, and
left it with him, and so home to supper, where Pelling comes and sits with
me, and there tells us how old Mr. Batelier is dead this last night in the
night, going to bed well, which I am mightily troubled for, he being a
good man. Supper done, and he gone, I to my chamber to write my journal
to this night, and so to bed.

7th. Up betimes, and did do several things towards the settling all
matters both of house and office in order for my journey this day, and did
leave my chief care, and the key of my closet, with Mr. Hater, with
directions what papers to secure, in case of fire or other accident; and
so, about nine o'clock, I, and my wife, and Willet, set out in a coach I
have hired, with four horses; and W. Hewer and Murford rode by us on
horseback; and so my wife and she in their morning gowns, very handsome
and pretty, and to my great liking. We set out, and so out at Allgate,
and so to the Green Man, and so on to Enfield, in our way seeing Mr.
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