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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 58: October 1667 by Samuel Pepys
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Lowther and his lady in a coach, going to Walthamstow; and he told us that
he would overtake us at night, he being to go that way. So we to Enfield,
and there bayted, it being but a foul, bad day, and there Lowther and Mr.
Burford, an acquaintance of his, did overtake us, and there drank and eat
together; and, by and by, we parted, we going before them, and very merry,
my wife and girle and I talking, and telling tales, and singing, and
before night come to Bishop Stafford, where Lowther and his friend did
meet us again, and carried us to the Raynedeere, where Mrs. Aynsworth,

[Elizabeth Aynsworth, here mentioned, was a noted procurerss at
Cambridge, banished from that town by the university authorities for
her evil courses. She subsequently kept the Rein Deer Inn at
Bishops Stortford, at which the Vice-Chancellor, and some of the
heads of colleges, had occasion to sleep, in their way to London,
and were nobly entertained, their supper being served off plate.
The next morning their hostess refused to make any charge, saying,
that she was still indebted to the Vice-Chancellor, who, by driving
her out of Cambridge, had made her fortune. No tradition of this
woman has been preserved at Bishops Stortford; but it appears, from
the register of that parish, that she was buried there 26th of
March, 1686. It is recorded in the "History of Essex," vol. iii.,
(p. 130) 8vo., 1770, and in a pamphlet in the British Museum,
entitled, "Boteler's Case," that she was implicated in the murder of
Captain Wood, a Hertfordshire gentleman, at Manuden, in Essex, and
for which offence a person named Boteler was executed at Chelmsford,
September 10th, 1667, and that Mrs. Aynsworth, tried at the same
time as an accessory before the fact, was acquitted for want of
evidence; though in her way to the jail she endeavoured to throw
herself into the river, but was prevented. See Postea, May 25th,
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