A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot
page 3 of 46 (06%)
page 3 of 46 (06%)
rapport which Thomas Hariot hath lattely sett foorth, and haue causse
them booth togither to be printed for to dedicated vnto you, as a thiuge which by reigtte dooth allreadye apparteyne vnto you. Therfore doe I creaue that you will accept this little Booke, and take yt In goode partte. And desiring that fauor that you will receue me in the nomber of one of your most humble seruantz, besechinge the lord to blese and further you in all yours good doinges and actions, and allso to preserue, and keepe you allwayes in good helthe. And so I comitt you unto the almyhttie, from Franckfort the first of Apprill 1590.' 'Your most humble seruant,' THEODORVS de BRY. TO THE ADVEN- TVRERS, FAVORERS, AND VVELVVILLERS OF THE EN- TERPRISE FOR THE INHABITTING and planting in VIRGINIA. SINCE the first vndertaking by Sir Walter Ralegh to deale in the action of discouering of that Countrey which is now called and known by the name of VIRGINIA; many voyages hauing bin thiter made at sundrie times to his great charge; as first in the yeere 1584. and afterwardes in the yeeres 1585. '1586'. and now of late this last yeare of '1587'. There haue bin diuers and variable reportes with some slaunderous and shamefull speeches bruited abroade by many that returned from thence. Especially of that discouery which was made by the Colony transported by Sir Richard Greinuile in the yeare '1585'. being of all the others the most principal and as yet of most effect, the time of their abode in the |