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A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot
page 4 of 46 (08%)
countrey beeing a whole yeare, when as in the other voyage before they
staied but sixe weekes; and the others after were onelie for supply and
transportation, nothing more being discouered then had been before.
Which reports haue not done a litle wrong to many that otherwise would
have also fauoured & aduentured in the action, to the honour and
benefite of our nation, besides the particular profite and credite which
would redound to them selues the dealers therein; as I hope by the
sequele of euents to the shame of those that haue auouched the contrary
shalbe manifest: if you the aduenturers, fauourers, and welwillers do
but either encrease in number, or in opinion continue, or hauing bin
doubtfull renewe your good liking and furtherance to deale therein
according to the worthinesse thereof alreadye found and as you shall
vnderstand hereafter to be requisite. Touching which woorthines through
cause of the diuersitie of relations and reportes, manye of your
opinions coulde not bee firme, nor the mindes of some that are well
disposed, bee setled in any certaintie.

I haue therefore thought it good beeing one that haue beene in the
discouerie and in dealing with the natuall inhabitantes specially
imploied; and hauing therefore seene and knowne more then the ordinaire:
to imparte so much vnto you of the fruites of our labours, as that you
may knowe howe iniuriously the enterprise is slaundered. And that in
publike manner at this present chiefelie for two respectes.

First that some of you which are yet ignorant or doubtfull of the state
thereof, may see that there is sufficiet cause why the cheefe
enterpriser with the fauour of her Maiestie, notwithstanding suche
reportes; hath not onelie since continued the action by sending into the
countrey againe, and replanting this last yeere a new Colony; but is
also readie, according as the times and meanes will affoorde, to follow
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