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A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot
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and prosecute the same.

Secondly, that you seeing and knowing the continuance of the action by
the view hereof you may generally know & learne what the countrey is; &
therevpon cosider how your dealing therein if it proceede, may returne
you profit and gaine; bee it either by inhabitting & planting or
otherwise in furthering thereof.

And least that the substance of my relation should be doubtful vnto you,
as of others by reason of their diuersitie: I will first open the cause
in a few wordes wherefore they are [a 3] so different; referring my
selue to your fauourable constructions, and to be adiudged of as by good
consideration you shall finde cause.

Of our companie that returned some for their misdemenour and ill dealing
in the countrey, haue beene there worthily punished; who by reason of
their badde natures, haue maliciously not onelie spoken ill of their
Gouernours; but for their sakes slaundered the countrie it selfe. The
like also haue those done which were of their confort.

Some beeing ignorant of the state thereof, nothwithstanding since their
returne amongest their friendes and acquaintance and also others,
especially if they were in companie where they might not be gainesaide;
woulde seeme to know so much as no men more; and make no men so great
trauailers as themselues. They stood so much as it maie seeme vppon
their credite and reputation that hauing been a twelue moneth in the
countrey, it woulde haue beene a great disgrace vnto them as they
thought, if they coulde not haue saide much wheter it were true or
false. Of which some haue spoken of more then euer they saw or otherwise
knew to bee there; othersome haue not bin ashamed to make absolute
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