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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 168 of 490 (34%)
him to follow, and ran before him upstairs. The sitting-room
presented the same comfortable appearance, and Grim, rising lazily
from the hearthrug, came forward purring a welcome, but Ida was not

"She was obliged to go out," said Sally, in answer to his look of
inquiry. "She won't be long, and she said you was to make yourself
comfortable till she came back."

On a little side-table stood cups and saucers, and a box of cigars.
The latter Sally brought forward.

"I was to ask you to smoke, and whether you'd like a cup of coffee
with it?" she asked, with the curious _naivete_ which marked her
mode of speech.

"The kettle's boiling on the side," she added, seeing that Waymark
hesitated. "I can make it in a minute."

"In that case, I will."

"You don't mind me having one as well?"

"Of course not."

"Shall I talk, or shall I keep quiet? I'm not a servant here, you
know," she added, with an amusing desire to make her position clear.
"Ida and me's friends, and she'd do just as much for I."

"Talk by all means," said Waymark, smiling, as he lit his cigar. The
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