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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 169 of 490 (34%)
result was that, in a quarter of an hour Sally had related her whole
history. As Ida had said, she came from Weymouth, where her father
was a fisherman, and owner of bum-boats. Her mother kept a laundry,
and the family had all lived together in easy circumstances. She
herself had come to London--well, just for a change. And what was
she doing? Oh, getting her living as best she could. In the day-time
she worked in a city workroom.

"And how much do you think I earn a week?" she asked.

"Fifteen shillings or so, I suppose?"

"Ah, that's all you know about it! Now, last week was the best I've
had yet, and I made seven shillings."

"What do you do?"

"Machine work; makin' ulsters. How much do you think we get, now,
for makin' a ulster--one like this?" pointing to one which hung
behind the door.

"Have no idea."

"Well,--_fourpence_: there now!"

"And how many can you make in a day?"

"I can't make no more than two. Some make three, but it's blessed
hard work. But I get a little job now and then to do at home."

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