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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 76 of 490 (15%)

"What is he?"

"A teacher in a school. I hope to get good from being with him;
we're going to read together, and so on. I wish you could find some
pleasant companion of the same kind, Harriet; you wouldn't feel so

"I dare say I'm better off without anybody. I shouldn't suit them.
It's very few people I do suit, or else people don't suit me, one or
the other. What's his name, your new friend's?"


"And he lives in Kennington? Whereabouts?"

"In Walcot Square. I don't think you know that part, do you?"

"What number?"

Julian looked at her with some surprise. He found her eyes fixed
with penetrating observation upon his face. He mentioned the number,
and she evidently made a mental note of it. She was silent for some

"I suppose you'll go out at nights with him?" was her next remark.

"It is scarcely likely. Where should we go to?"

"Oh, I don't know, and I don't suppose it matters much, to me."
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