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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 77 of 490 (15%)

"You seem vexed at this, Harriet. I'm very sorry. Really, it's the
first friend I've ever had. I've often felt the need of some such

"I'm nobody?" she said, with a laugh, the first today.

Julian's face registered very perfectly the many subtle phases of
thought and emotion which succeeded each other in his mind. This
last remark distressed him for a moment; he could not bear to hurt
another's feelings.

"Of course I meant male friend," he said quickly. "You are my

"No, I'm not," was the reply; and, as she spoke, Harriet glanced
sideways at him in a particularly unpleasant manner. She herself
meant it to be pleasant.

"Oh yes, you are, Harriet," he insisted good-humouredly. "We've been
brother and sister ever since we can remember, haven't we?"

"But we aren't really, for all that," said the girl, looking away.
"Well, now you've got somebody else to take you up, I know very well
I shall see less of you. You'll be making excuses to get out of the
rides when the summer comes again."

"Pray don't say or think anything of the kind, Harriet," urged
Julian with feeling. "I should not think of letting anything put a
stop to our picnics. It will soon be getting warm enough to think of
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