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The Unclassed by George Gissing
page 84 of 490 (17%)
and feel that you are doing it well."

"But the motives, the motives!--Never mind, I've talked enough of
myself for one sitting. Don't think I've told you everything. Plenty
more confessions to come, when time and place shall serve. Little by
little you will get to know me, and by then will most likely have
had enough of me."

"That is not at all likely; rather the opposite."

When they left the house together, shortly after eleven, Julian's
eye fell upon the dark figure of a girl, standing by a gas-lamp on
the opposite side of the way. The figure held his gaze. Waymark
moved on, and he had to follow, but still looked back. The girl had
a veil half down upon her face; she was gazing after the two. She
moved, and the resemblance to Harriet was so striking that Julian
again stopped. As he did so, the figure turned away, and walked in
the opposite direction, till it was lost in the darkness.

Julian went on, and for a time was very silent.



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