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California Romantic and Resourceful; : a plea for the collection, preservation and diffusion of information relating to Pacific coast history by John Francis Davis
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California Romantic and Resourceful

A plea for the Collection Preservation and Diffusion of Information
Relating to Pacific Coast History

By John F. Davis

The Californian loves his state because his state loves him. He returns
her love with a fierce affection that to men who do not know California
is always a surprise. - David Starr Jordan in " California and the

As we transmit our institutions, so we shall transmit our blood and our
names to future ages and populations. What altitudes shall throng these
shores, what cities shall gem the borders of the sea! Here all peoples
and all tongues shall meet. Here shall be a more perfect civilization, a
more thorough intellectual development, a firmer faith, a more reverent
worship. Perhaps, as we look back to the struggle of an earlier age, and
mark the steps of our ancestors in the career we have traced, some
thoughtful man of letters in ages yet to come may bring light the
history of this shore or of this day. I am sure, Ludlow citizens, that
whoever shall hereafter read it will perceive that our pride and joy are
dimmed by no stain of selfishness. Our pride is for humanity; our joy is
for the world; and amid all the wonders of past achievement and all the
splendors of present success, we turn with swelling hearts to gaze into
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