The Sea-Witch - Or, the African Quadroon : a Story of the Slave Coast by Maturin Murray Ballou
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OR, THE AFRICAN QUADROON A STORY OF THE SLAVE COAST. BY LIEUTENANT MURRAY. NEW YORK: PREFACE. LET the reader peruse the following story with the same spirit in which it was written, and not conceive that it is either a pro-slavery or anti-slavery tale. The "peculiar institution" which is herein introduced, is brought forward simply as an auxiliary, and not as a feature of the story. It is only referred to where the plot and locality upon the slave coast have rendered this necessary, and the careful reader will observe that the subject is treated with entire impartiality. These few remarks are introduced, because we desire to appear consistent. Our paper shall neither directly nor indirectly further any sectional policy or doctrine, and in its conduct shall be neutral, free and independent.--Editor of The Flag of our Union. |