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US Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
page 42 of 440 (09%)
in the fisheries. These interests are exposed to invasion in the wars
between other powers, and we should disregard the faithful admonition
of experience if we did not expect it. We must support our rights or
lose our character, and with it, perhaps, our liberties. A people who
fail to do it can scarcely be said to hold a place among independent
nations. National honor is national property of the highest value. The
sentiment in the mind of every citizen is national strength. It ought
therefore to be cherished.

To secure us against these dangers our coast and inland frontiers
should be fortified, our Army and Navy, regulated upon just principles
as to the force of each, be kept in perfect order, and our militia be
placed on the best practicable footing. To put our extensive coast in
such a state of defense as to secure our cities and interior from
invasion will be attended with expense, but the work when finished will
be permanent, and it is fair to presume that a single campaign of
invasion by a naval force superior to our own, aided by a few thousand
land troops, would expose us to greater expense, without taking into
the estimate the loss of property and distress of our citizens, than
would be sufficient for this great work. Our land and naval forces
should be moderate, but adequate to the necessary purposes - the former
to garrison and preserve our fortifications and to meet the first
invasions of a foreign foe, and, while constituting the elements of a
greater force, to preserve the science as well as all the necessary
implements of war in a state to be brought into activity in the event
of war; the latter, retained within the limits proper in a state of
peace, might aid in maintaining the neutrality of the United States
with dignity in the wars of other powers and in saving the property of
their citizens from spoliation. In time of war, with the enlargement of
which the great naval resources of the country render it susceptible,
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