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The Real Diary of a Real Boy by Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
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get into the Crismas festerval. they have it in the town hall and
have two trees and supper and presents for the scholars. so we are
going to stay til after crismas anyway the unitarials have jest
built a new church. Pewt and Beany's fathers painted it and so they
go there. i don't know why we go there xcept because they don't have
any church in the afternoon. Nipper Brown and Micky Gould go there.
we all went into the same class. our teacher is Mister Winsor a student.
we call them stewdcats. after we had said our lesson we all skinned
out with Mr. Winsor. when we went down Maple street we saw 2 roosters
fiting in Dany Wingates yard, and we stoped to see it. i knew more
about fiting roosters than any of the fellers, because me and Ed
Towle had fit roosters lots. Mr. Winsor said i was a sport, well
while the roosters were fiting, sunday school let out and he skipped
acros the street and walked off with one of the girls and we
hollered for him to come and see the fite out, and he turned red and
looked mad. the leghorn squorked and stuck his head into a corner.
when a rooster squorks he wont fite any more.

December 5. snowed today and school let out at noon. this afternoon
went down to the library to plug stewdcats. there was me and Beany
and Pewt, and Whacker and Pozzy Chadwick and Pricilla Hobbs.
Pricilla is a feller you know, and Pheby Talor, Pheby is a feller
too, and Lubbin Smith and Nigger Bell, he is'nt a nigger only we
call him Nigger, and Tommy Tompson and Dutchey Seamans and Chick
Chickering, and Tady Finton and Chitter Robinson.

December 6. Gim Wingate has got a new bobtail coat.

December 7, 186- Got sent to bed last nite for smoking hayseed
cigars and can't go with Beany enny more. It is funny, my father
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