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The Real Diary of a Real Boy by Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
page 6 of 89 (06%)
wont let me go with Beany becaus he is tuf, and Pewts father wont
let Pewt go with me becaus im tuf, and Beanys father says if he
catches me or Pewt in his yard he will lick time out of us.
Rany today.

December 8. Skinny Bruce got licked in school today. Skipy Moses was
in the wood box all the morning.

December 9. brite and fair, speakin day today. missed in Horatius
at the brige.

December 10. Clowdy but no rane. went to church. lots of new fellers
in sunday school. me and Beany and Pewt and Pile Woods and Billy
Folsom and Jimmy Gad and lots of others. Mister Winsor dident teach
today, gess they woodent let him on account of the rooster fite.

December 11. My new boots from Tommy Gads came today. i tell you
they are clumpers. no snow yet.

December 12. Crismas is pretty near, dont know wether i shall get
ennything. father says i dont desirve ennything. you can get
goozeberrys down to Si Smiths 1 dozen for 5 cents. He has a funny
sine it is

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