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Peter Schlemihl by Adelbert von Chamisso
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Introduction by Henry Morley
Peter Schlemihl by Adelbert Chamisso
Peter Schlemihl
Preface by the Editor
Brief Sketch of Chamisso's Life
From the Baron de la Motte Fouque
The Story Without An End by Carode translated by Sarah Austin
Hymns To Night by Novalis translated by Henry Morley


"Peter Schlemihl," one of the pleasantest fancies of the days when
Germany delighted in romance, was first published in 1814, and was
especially naturalised in England by association with the genius of
George Cruikshank, who enriched a translation of it with some of his
happiest work as an illustrator. An account of the book and its
author is here reprinted at the end of the tale, as originally given
by the translator. To this account one or two notes may be added.
Louis Charles Adelaide de Chamisso de Boncourt was born on the 27th
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