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In the Fire of the Forge — Volume 02 by Georg Ebers
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ridden through the Frauenthor that afternoon in the train of the Emperor
Rudolph and his Bohemian daughter-in-law.

Twilight was already beginning to gather, and Els could not see whether
this news afforded Eva pleasure or annoyance, for her mother had taken
too little heed of her weakness, and one of the attacks which the
physician so urgently ordered her to avoid by caution commenced.

Els and the convent Sister Renata, who helped her nurse the invalid, were
now completely absorbed in caring for her, but Eva turned away from the
beloved sufferer--her sensitive nature could not endure the sight of her

As soon as her mother again lay weak but quiet on the pillows which Els
had rearranged for her, Eva obeyed her entreaty to go away, and went to
her own chamber. When another attack drew her back to the invalid, a
sign from her sister as she reached the threshold bade her keep away from
the couch. Should it prove necessary, she whispered, she would call her.
If Wolff came, Eva was to tell him that she could not leave her mother,
but he must be sure to return early the next morning, as she had a great
deal to say to him.

Eva then went to her father, who was dressing to attend a banquet at the
house of Herr Berthold Vorchtel, the first Losunger--[Presiding Officer]
--in the Council, from which he would be loath to absent himself for the
very reason that his host's family had been hostile to him ever since the
rumour of the betrothal of Wolff Eysvogel, whom the Vorchtels had
regarded as their daughter Ursula's future husband.

Nevertheless, Herr Ernst would not have gone to the entertainment had his
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