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In the Fire of the Forge — Volume 02 by Georg Ebers
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wife's condition given cause for anxiety. But he was familiar with these
convulsions which, it is true, weakened the invalid, but produced no
other results; so he permitted Eva to help him put the last touches to
his dress, on which he lavished great care. Spick and span as if he were
just out of a bandbox, the elderly man, before leaving the house, went
once more to the sick-room, and Eva stood near as, after many questions
and requests, he whispered something to Els which she did not hear. With
excited curiosity she asked what he had said so secretly, but he only
answered hurriedly, "The name of the Man in the Moon's dog," kissed her
cheek, and ran downstairs.

At the foot he again turned to Eva and told her to send for him if her
mother should grow worse, for these entertainments at the Vorchtels
usually lasted a long time.

"Will the Eysvogels be there too?" asked the girl.

"Who knows," replied her father. "I shall be glad if Wolff comes."

The tone in which he uttered the name of his future son-in-law distinctly
showed how little he desired to meet any other member of the family, and
Eva said sympathisingly, "Then I hope you will have an opportunity to
remember me to Wolff."

"Shall I say nothing to Ursel?" asked the father, pressing a good-night
kiss upon the young girl's forehead.

"She would not care for it," was the reply. "It cannot be easy to forget
a man like Wolff."

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