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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 100 of 117 (85%)
One thousand California violets.
The shiny-leaved coprosma from Chili.
Blue-flowered buddleia.
Groups of pittosporum.
Pampas grass from Brazil.
Hundreds of daffodils (in March).
The weeping willows.

A great group on the north of erica, epacris, and cryptomeria.

Across from the erica is the red-berried cotoneaster horizontalis.

Near the columns on the north side by the Pool grows the purple

The Catalina cherry is massed against the building on the north.

The pink-flowered escallonia is found under the columns near the Pool.
The orange-berried pyracantha cretaegus is seen in all its glory on the

Heliotrope makes the air one of sweet perfume. Polygala, with pea-like
blossom, is seen near the base of the columns.

In the Pool have been put five hundred papyrus plants and five hundred
Japanese water lilies.

These are a few of the many wonderful blooms seen here.

The vistas and reflections are ever new and beautiful from every turn of
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