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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 99 of 117 (84%)
to make that figure of Truth attainable.

Then comes the Apollo Panel, and Apollo, the leader of the arts, in his
chariot, seems to be in a long procession preceded and followed by
devotees of the fine arts.

Next comes the Pegasus Panel, indicating inspiration in the arts. Ahead,
marches Music with his lyre, who, like a sort of Orpheus, is stilling
even the beasts.

The figures between the panels represent those who stand ready to do
battle for the arts.

Ulric H. Ellerhusen has done the flower boxes, with women at the
corners. Vines were to have fallen over the figures from the boxes,
allowing only a shoulder, a head, or a long line of the drapery to
appear, but the plans had to be changed, hence the figure now in full
evidence. The women are looking into the flower-laden boxes.

As you stand by the Pool, notice the shrubs and flowers near by.

Near the columns are Monterey cypresses.
Grey-green artemisia is between the columns.
Ten thousand periwinkles are on the banks.
Five thousand Spanish iris.
Many Japanese iris.
California incense shrub.
Yellow primroses.
One thousand white callas.
One thousand yellow callas.
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