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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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sides of the drum.

The very position of the arms gives you a strong feeling of support.

The figures on the spandrels represent the application of power to

The figures on the pedestals represent:

1. "Steam Power" with the lever that starts the engine.

2. "Invention" showing a more intellectual type of face, carrying the
figure with wings spread, suggesting the flight of thought. This
thought, as it were, is above the world.

3. "Electricity" with foot on the earth, suggesting that electricity is
not only in the earth, but around it. He carries his symbol,

4. "Imagination," showing man with his eyes closed - seeing within. The
bird of inspiration, the eagle, is about to take flight.

The wings on the head suggest the rapidity of thought or action.

Inside this great palace one sees the latest inventions in machinery.
Ponderous machines capable of shaping tons of metal, great labor-saving
machines, and all sorts of electrical appliances. "Safety first" is a
pronounced feature of this exhibit.

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