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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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Palace of Varied Industries

Architect - W. B. Faville of San Francisco.

The high walls, averaging seventy feet to the cornice, with their
respective buttresses, are strongly suggestive of the California
missions of the eighteenth century.

The "California bear" and the Seal of California are in decorative and
suggestive evidence at the tops of the buttresses.

The green domes on the palace belong to the Byzantine school of
architecture, such domes as one sees in the mosques of Constantinople
and other Mohammedan centers.

The windows seen in the corner towers are the same kind that one sees
used in the majority of mosques.

The beautiful central portal, facing south, is modeled after the Portal
of the Hospice of Santa Cruz at Toledo, Spain.

It is 16th century Spanish Renaissance, known as the Plateresque style
(from platero, silversmith).

The columns suggest a wood origin and look as if they had been turned in
a lathe.

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