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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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The portal is the color of cork, illuminated here and there with niche
walls of pink, and touches of ultramarine blue.

The fine figure work representing the modern industrial types is by
Ralph Stackpole of Oregon, whose home is now in San Francisco. He
expresses himself most simply and unaffectedly, in clear, broad
treatment, and makes the ordinary workman a man to be honored and

The upper figures represent an old man handing his burden to a younger
man. The Old World Handing Its Burden to the Younger World, that is
America, is finely suggested.

The keystone figure represents The Power of Industry, the man who both
thinks and uses his hands.

In the tympanum are the types representing the Varied Industries.

In the center is Agriculture representing the food side of life. On the
left a workman, possibly an architect, suggests the refinements of the
varied industries, while on the right one sees the ordinary workman with
his sledge-hammer, bringing to mind the rougher side of industry. In the
left corner a woman with her spindle - a lamb standing near - recalls
the making of textiles. Commerce occupies the right corner, holding the
prow of a vessel with its figurehead.

The Workman with his pick is repeated in the four niches.

The two flanking portals are also in the plateresque style with devices
of this Spanish Renaissance period represented on them.
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