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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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The shields, or cartouches as they are called, have no special meaning,
being only ornaments of this particular period.

The portals on the east of the Palace of Varied Industries and also of
the Palace of Mines are suggestive of gateways of old Roman walled
cities, like those of Perugia, for instance. This Italian type of portal
is chosen since Machinery Palace opposite is in the Italian style of

Notice how the pastel pink accents the portal.

The figure of "The Miner" in the niches is by Albert Weinert, whose work
in the Congressional Library at Washington is well known.

The Palace of Varied Industries has an exhibition of the more refined
manufactures, those articles that are regarded more as luxuries, such as
bronzes, jewelry, silverware, fine pottery, porcelains, rugs, leather
work, silks, etc.

The Palace of Mines deals with the smelting of metals, a fine exhibition
of different ores, and above all "Safety First" in its relation to
mines. The Mines Rescue work is most interesting.

Flora of the Avenue of Progress and the Avenue of Palms

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