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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 23 of 117 (19%)
Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum).
Eucalyptus robusta.
Eucalyptus viminalis.
Cupressus macrocarpa (Monterey cypress).
Australian pea vine on the palms.
Muhlenbeckia (Australian mattress vine) against the base of Machinery
Honeysuckle against the base of the Varied Industries Palace.
Lawson cypress.
Libocedrus decurrens (incense cedar).
Acacia floribunda.
Acacia latifolia.
Albizzia lophantha.
Abies menziesü (fir).
Picea Engelmanni (spruce).
Picea excelsa (from Norway) (spruce).
Rhododendrons (notice how they work upon the pink walls) (for color).
Cinerarias (for color).
Cyclamen (for color).
Dracaena indivisa (cabbage palm).
Japanese strawberry.

Notice Mr. McLaren's devices for covering the ground.

The lophantha lawn, it might be called, is an artificial device for
producing a most lovely effect. The tree is stripped of all branches
until it has attained the height of four feet, the top being trained and
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