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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 24 of 117 (20%)
flattened into a head five feet across. The trees are placed close
enough together so that the tops interlace, producing thereby a
continuous green surface.

The veronica, buxifolia is the light green border at the side and in
front of the Palace of Varied Industries.

Achanea from New Zealand and Australia is used on the banks and accords
most harmoniously with the albizzia lophantha.

The abelia rupestris is the red leafed plant with pink blossoms.

Peonia moutan daikaqura is the peony.

Since the small plants in front of the permanent shrubs are changed
periodically, a list of everything planted is of course out of the

The technical names are suggested with a few of the trees and shrubs so
that you can continue this line of work for yourself.

Since the botanical names are placed on the plants in many places you
can easily find what you seek.

The Palace of Manufactures and also The Palace of Liberal Arts
(Since they are alike.)

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