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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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The portal is Spanish Renaissance with grill work. Notice the pastel
pink, turquoise blue and burnt orange on this portal. This coloring is a
means of strongly accenting this fine architectural feature.

The panel (representing the making of glass, metal work, textiles,
statuary, etc.), as well as the female figure holding the spindle and
the male with the sledge-hammer, are by Mahonri Young of Salt Lake City,

The wall niches show elephants and lions used alternately - a fine
oriental touch. The heads are used as fountains.

"Acroterium" is the Victory on the gables, many times repeated. It is
the work of Frank Edwin Elwell, curator of Ancient Art, at the
Metropolitan Museum of New York.

Viewing the figure from the side, you are reminded of the Victory of
Samothrace. She is noticeably beautiful against the late afternoon sky
and also against the blue morning sky.

You will notice that the flora is just the same in the main in front of
these buildings as it was in front of the others you have seen, the
grass lawn here taking the place of the albizzia lophantha.

Sweet peas, daffodils, rhododendrons, evening primroses, Japanese
magnolias, coronilla are added for color.

The Palace of Manufactures shows the coarser, heavier articles, such as
furniture, carpets, woolen goods, hardware. Many articles are being made
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