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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 26 of 117 (22%)
in this palace.

The Palace of Liberal Arts includes all kinds of printing, book binding,
engraving, photographic apparatus, especially in the line of moving
pictures and color photography, theatrical appliances, musical
instruments, instruments of precision, wireless telegraphy and the
wireless telephone, etc.

Palace of Education

Architect - W. B. Faville of San Francisco.

There are three portals on the south in the Spanish Renaissance style,
with twisted columns of the Byzantine school. Notice that the screws
twist in opposite directions.

Above the central portal is Gustav Gerlach's tympanum relief
"Education." The tree of knowledge is seen in the background. The
kindergarten stage, the half-grown, and the mature periods are shown,
the last showing the man no longer under a teacher, but working his
problem out by himself.

The modern costumes, combined with the classical styles, suggest that
the knowledge of today rests upon that of the old schools. Mr. Gerlach
is a pupil of Karl Bitter of New York, the Chief of the Sculpture.

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