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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 27 of 117 (23%)
Below the tympanum is the open book of knowledge from which light
radiates in all directions. The curtains of darkness have been drawn
aside. The hour-glass says, "Improve the shining moments as they pass."

The crown awaits those who will seek knowledge.

Atop this portal is the globe suggesting that education extends around
the world.

The panel on the left shows the female teacher in the center. She is
instructing her hearers who discuss their interests.

This panel is by Peters.

The companion panel with the male teacher is by Cesare Stea.

Both panels are quite evident in meaning. Messrs. Peters and Stea are
pupils of the Beaux Arts of Paris and the National School of Sculpture
of America, respectively.

The Palace of Education and Social Economy shows developments since
1905. Comparative exhibits of educational interests of all nations are

Child welfare, playgrounds, care of the feebleminded, treatment of the
insane, missionary work, the Red Cross system, criminology, park
systems, street improvements, methods of disposing of sewage, and many
other allied subjects are interestingly worked out for public benefit.

The flora is just about the same in front of these palaces as that which
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