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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 77 of 117 (65%)
especially those of California.


Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, with her wreath of cereals and her
corn sceptre, has just poised on the top of the lovely fountain (by Mrs.
Evelyn Longman), the die of which tells you by its cameo figures that
this is the fountain of young, fresh, joyous nature. The graceful, happy
creatures with garlands and fruits glide past you in song, shaking the
tambourine or softly piping their roundelays.

Jolly satyrs, the happy creatures of the woodland, spout water into the
basin below.


The Food Products Palace is on one side, the Agricultural Palace on the
other, and the suggestions worked out in the corn of the Ionic capital,
the cereal wreaths on the frieze, the sheaves of wheat, are most happy
decorations for just this court.


Pass to the Pool beyond and stop to read the quotation. (from Spenser's
"Faerie Queene") on the western gateway.

"So forth issew'd the seasons of the yeare
First lusty spring all dight in leaves and flowres
Then came the jolly sommer being dight in a thin silken cassock coloured
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