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Sleepy-Time Tales: the Tale of Fatty Coon by Arthur Scott Bailey
page 43 of 56 (76%)
his brother hopped out from behind their trees.

"Hello!" said Jimmy. "We were just looking for you." Probably he meant
to say, "We were just looking AT you." He was somewhat upset by meeting
Fatty; for he knew that Fatty was angry with him.

"Oh, ho! You were, were you?" Fatty answered. He began to slide down the
tree he had been climbing.

Jimmy Rabbit and his brother edged a little further away.

"Better not come too near us!" he said. "We've both got the pink-eye,
and you don't want to catch it."

Fatty paused and looked at the brothers. Sure enough! their eyes were as
pink as anything.

"Does it hurt much?" Fatty asked.

"Well--it does and it doesn't," Jimmy replied. "I just stuck a brier
into one of my eyes a few minutes ago and it hurt awful, then. But
you'll be perfectly safe, so long as you don't touch us."

"How long does it last?" Fatty inquired.

"Probably we'll never get over it," Jimmy Rabbit said cheerfully. And
his brother nodded his head, as much as to say, "That's so!"

Fatty Coon was just the least bit alarmed. He really thought that there
was something the matter with their eyes. You see, though the Rabbit
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