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Sleepy-Time Tales: the Tale of Fatty Coon by Arthur Scott Bailey
page 44 of 56 (78%)
brothers' eyes were always pink (for they were born that way), he had
never noticed it before. So Fatty thought it would be safer not to go
too near them.

"Well, it's too bad," he told Jimmy. "I'm sorry. I wanted to play with

"Oh, that's all right!" Jimmy said. "We can play, just the same. I'll
tell you what we'll play. We'll play--"

"Not barber-shop!" Fatty interrupted. "I won't play barber-shop, I never
liked that game."

Jimmy Rabbit started to smile. But he turned his smile into a sneeze.
And he said--

"We'll play robber. You'll like that, I know. And you can be the robber.
You look like one, anyhow."

That remark made Fatty Coon angry. And he wished that Jimmy hadn't the
pink-eye. He would have liked to make an end of him right then and

"What do you mean?" he shouted. "Robber nothing! I'm just as good as you

"Of course, of course!" Jimmy said hastily. "It's your face, you know,
That black patch covers your eyes just like a robber's mask. That's why
we want you to be the robber."

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