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Tales of War by Lord (Edward J. M. D. Plunkett) Dunsany
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Tales of War

by Lord Dunsany

Tales of War was first published in 1918 and the text is in the
public domain. The transcription was done by William McClain
, 2002.

A printed version of this book is available from Sattre Press, It includes a new introduction and
photographs of the author.

The Prayer of the Men of Daleswood

He said: ``There were only twenty houses in Daleswood. A place you
would scarcely have heard of. A village up top of the hills.

``When the war came there was no more than thirty men there between
sixteen and forty-five. They all went.

``They all kept together; same battalion, same platoon. They was like
that in Daleswood. Used to call the hop pickers foreigners, the ones
that come from London. They used to go past Daleswood, some of them,
every year, on their way down to the hop fields. Foreigners they used
to call them. Kept very much to themselves, did the Daleswood people.
Big woods all round them.

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