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Stories by English Authors: Ireland by Unknown
page 43 of 146 (29%)
ran rapidly downstairs. The latter unbarred the front door.

"Don't you run a fearful risk if you are seen?" inquired the

"Of course I do," returned the brave lad, without a tremor in his
voice; "but somebody's got to take the chance; we can't defend the
house forever; and I wouldn't miss this opportunity of nabbing the
whole gang for a thousand pounds."

He opened the door and sped out into the night. He was out of
sight in a moment, and, as far as Harold could judge, he had not
been observed. Again the blows of the pickaxe rang out from the
rear of the house.

Hayes closed the door and replaced the heavy bar. Then he turned
to remount the stairs, and met Polly, who was standing near the
top with a candle in her hand.

She was quite composed now, but very pale. He tried to ask if she
had recovered, but she cut him short impatiently.

"There is nothing the matter with me. What is the meaning of all
this uproar and--and the firing?"

For at this moment the twin reports of Jack's breech-loader again
echoed through the house, this time it was answered by a fusilade
from below.

There was nothing to be gained by concealment, and Harold told her
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