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Stories by English Authors: Ireland by Unknown
page 44 of 146 (30%)
the whole story in a few words.

"How prompt and clever of you!" she said; "You have saved all our

Her praise was very sweet to him, but there was no time to enjoy
it now.

"Where are you going?" she asked, as he turned again to spring up
the stairs.

I am going to my room for my revolver," he answered. "I may have
use for it before this is over."

"Do," she replied. "I will wait for you here." Haves hurried on.

Jack was in the guest's room. The young Irishman had selected that
window, as it commanded the little door against which the brunt of
the attack had hitherto been directed. Every pane was shattered,
and walls and ceiling showed the effect of the volley that had
been directed against him, but the young fellow stood his ground
uninjured. "Don't mind me," he said, in answer to Harold's inquiry.
"I'm all right, and can hold this fort til morning if they don't
get ladders. I fancy I've sickened them of trying that door below."

Harold hastily grasped his revolver and went His idea was to stand
in the passage near the smoking-room, and defend the place should
the door give way; for he did not believe that timber had ever been
grown to withstand such blows.

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