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Stories by English Authors: Ireland by Unknown
page 51 of 146 (34%)
determined men, weaponless but unflinching.

A quick trampling as of a body of horse was heard on the gravel
without. A sharp, stern order reached the ears even of those in
the house.

"Unsling carbines! Make ready! Present!"

Clubs and blunderbusses dropped from nerveless hands as the
advancing mob paused, faltered, and then surged backward through
the doorway. The lust of vengeance gave way to the instinct of
self-preservation, and the rioters scattered in flight.

Dick's gallant race against time had not been fruitless. A squadron
of constabulary had reached the ground at the critical moment, and
Lisnahoe was saved.

Few of the assailants escaped--every avenue was guarded by mounted
policemen; and the gang which had long terrorised the neighbourhood--whose
teachings and example had done so much to convert the sullen
discontent of the peasantry into overt violence--was effectually
broken up. From that night the boycott on the Connolly household
was raised.

Red Mike Driscoll expiated on the gallows the murder of the Emergency
man Fergus, and nearly a score of others were sentenced to various
terms of imprisonment for assault and housebreaking.

The attacking party had lost three men killed, besides many wounded,
more or less severely, by the shot-guns. The judicial inquiry into
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