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Stories by English Authors: Ireland by Unknown
page 52 of 146 (35%)
the casualties brought out details of the defence which struck
terror to the hearts of the country people. It was not likely that
Lisnahoe would be molested again.

Harold Hayes and Polly Connolly were married shortly after Easter.
They are living in New York now, in a pleasant flat overlooking
Central Park. They entertain a good deal, and Irish affairs are
sometimes discussed at Mr. Hayes's table; but so far he has failed
to convince any of his American friends that there may be more than
one side to the agrarian question in Ireland.

"Nonsense," remarked one gentleman, who professed to be deeply
read in the subject; "they are an oppressed and suffering people.
Let them have their land."

"And what is to become of the landlords?" inquired Polly, with a
wistful remembrance of her girlhood's beautiful home.

But to this question there has been no reply, and none has been
offered yet.



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