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Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold
page 52 of 184 (28%)
health, and to be abused for it. Nice principles you've got at that
club, Mr. Caudle!

"But there's one comfort--one great comfort; it can't last long: I'm
sinking--I feel it, though I never say anything about it--but I know
my own feelings, and I say it can't last long. And then I should
like to know who will sit up for you! Then I should like to know how
your second wife--what do you say?


"Troubled, indeed! I never troubled you, Caudle. No; it's you
who've troubled me; and you know it; though like a foolish woman I've
borne it all, and never said a word about it. But it CAN'T last--
that's one blessing!

"Oh, if a woman could only know what she'd have to suffer before she
was married--Don't tell me you want to go to sleep! If you want to
go to sleep, you should come home at proper hours! It's time to get
up, for what I know, now. Shouldn't wonder if you hear the milk in
five minutes--there's the sparrows up already; yes, I say the
sparrows; and, Caudle, you ought to blush to hear 'em.


"Ha! you won't hear 'em, you mean: _I_ hear 'em. No, Mr. Caudle; it
ISN'T the wind whistling in the keyhole; I'm not quite foolish,
though you may think so. I hope I know wind from a sparrow!

"Ha! when I think what a man you were before we were married! But
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