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Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold
page 69 of 184 (37%)

"What's other people's affairs to you? If you were locked up, depend
upon it, there's not a soul would come near you. No; it's all very
fine now, when people think there isn't a chance of your being in
trouble--but I should only like to see what they'd say to you if YOU
were in a sponging-house. Yes--I should enjoy THAT, just to show you
that I'm always right. What do you say?


"Ha! that would be all very well if you could afford it; but you're
not in means, I know, to think so well of people as all that. And of
course they only laugh at you. 'Caudle's an easy fool,' they cry--I
know it as well as if I heard 'em--'Caudle's an easy fool; anybody
may lead him.' Yes anybody but his own wife;--and she--of course--is

"And now, everybody that's arrested will of course send to you. Yes,
Mr. Caudle, you'll have your hands full now, no doubt of it. You'll
soon know every sponging-house and every sheriff's officer in London.
Your business will have to take care of itself; you'll have enough to
do to run from lawyer to lawyer after the business of other people.
Now, it's no use calling me a dear soul--not a bit! No; and I shan't
put it off till to-morrow. It isn't often I speak, but I WILL speak

"I wish that Prettyman had been at the bottom of the sea before--

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