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Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures by Douglas William Jerrold
page 68 of 184 (36%)
your family! What do you think your children will say of you when
they grow up--going and throwing away your money upon good-for-
nothing pot-house acquaintance?


"Who is he, then? Come, you haven't told me that; but I know--it's
that Prettyman! Yes, to be sure it is! Upon my life! Well, if I've
hardly patience to lie in the bed! I've wanted a silver teapot these
five years, and you must go and throw away as much money as--what?


"Haven't you? Then my name's not Margaret, that's all I know!

"A man gets arrested, and because he's taken from his wife and
family, and locked up, you must go and trouble your head with it!
And you must be mixing yourself up with nasty sheriff's officers--
pah! I'm sure you're not fit to enter a decent house--and go running
from lawyer to lawyer to get bail, and settle the business, as you
call it! A pretty settlement you'll make of it--mark my words! Yes-
-and to mend the matter, to finish it quite, you must be one of the
bail! That any man who isn't a born fool should do such a thing for
another! Do you think anybody would do as much for you?


"You say yes? Well, I only wish--just to show that I'm right--I only
wish you were in a condition to try 'em. I should only like to see
you arrested. You'd find the difference--that you would.
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