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Seven Maids of Far Cathay by Ed. Bing Ding
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Seven Maids of Far Cathay
Being English Notes From A Chinese Class Book

Compiled By
Bing Ding

Illustrated By
Ai Lang

The custom of Americanism having been related unto me - "That one book
shall take unto self one dedication" - I have honor to make speeches of
presentation unto N-B-E, a Grandmother Genius of Geniuses.


The English Notes which go to make up this Chinese Class book are the
result of a game which the President of the Woman's Anglo-Chinese
College of Neuchang, China, induced the seven Chinese girls of the
graduating class to play during the last six months of their College
course. The Notes were read aloud in class, taken down by a
stenographer, and afterwards arranged alphabetically by the Biographer
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