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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
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Helen also might be invited. Mrs. Poulter signified to Miss Toller
her extreme surprise at the suggestion.

'The line, Miss Toller, must be drawn somewhere. Helen will have
the gratuity usual at this season--she is a well-regulated person
and will see the impropriety of intrusion into a sphere for which
she is unfit.'

Miss Toller withdrew. She dared not venture to explain or apologise
to Helen, although delay would make matters worse. She went into
North Street and spent ten shillings which she could ill afford in
buying a locket for her.

Christmas Eve was black and bitter. After the lodgers had gone to
bed, Miss Toller and Helen sat by the kitchen fire.

'Oh, Miss, I wish we were at Barton Sluice.'

'What makes you wish it, now?'

'I hate this place and everybody in it, excepting you. I suppose
it's Christmas makes me think of the old farm.'

'I remember you said once that you thought you would like a town.'

'Ah, I said so then. I should love to see them meadows again. The
snow when it melts there doesn't go to dirty, filthy slush as it
does in Brighton. But it's the people here I can't bear. I could
fly at that Poulter and that Goacher at times, no matter if I was
had up for it.'
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