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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
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the bottom of the table opposite Miss Everard and next to Mr.
Goacher, who faced Mrs. Poulter. Mrs. Mudge's wine was produced,
and Mr. Goacher graciously poured out a glass for Miss Toller.

'At this festive season, ma'am.'

A second glass was not offered, although Mrs. Mudge's supply was
liberal. Mr. Goacher did not stint himself.

'There are beautiful churches in Northamptonshire, I believe, Miss
Toller?' said the reverend gentleman after the third glass.

'Yes, very beautiful.'

'Ah! that is delightful. To whatever school in the Establishment we
belong, we cannot be insensible to the harmony between it and our
dear old ivy-clad towers and the ancient gravestones. I love old
country churches. I often wish my lot had been cast in a simple
rural parish.'

Miss E. 'Why do you not go?'

Mr. G. 'My unfortunate throat; and besides, I believe I am really
better fitted for an urban population.'

Miss E. 'In what way?'

Mr. G. 'Well, you see, Miss Everard, questions present themselves
to our hearers in towns which do not naturally occur to the rustic
mind--questions with which, if I may say so, I am perhaps fitted to
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