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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
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deal. The rustic mind needs nothing more than a simple presentation
of the Gospel.'

Miss E. 'What kind of questions?'

Mr. G. 'You must be aware that our friend Mrs. Poulter, for
instance, accustomed as she is to the mental stimulus of Southsea
and Brighton, takes an interest in topics unfamiliar to an honest
agriculturist who is immersed all the week in beeves and ploughs and

Mr. Goacher had intended that Mrs. Poulter should hear that her name
was mentioned.

Mrs. P. 'What are you saying about me?'

Miss E. 'Nothing to your discredit. We were talking about town and
country parishes, and Mr. Goacher maintains that in a town parish a
clergyman of superior intellect is indispensable.'

Mrs. P. 'But what has that to do with me?'

Miss E. 'Oh, we merely brought you forward as an example. You have
moved in cultured society, and he is of opinion that he is better
fitted to preach to people like you than to farmers.'

Mrs. M. 'Culture, fiddle-de-dee! Afore I was married, I lived in
the country. Five-and-twenty years I lived in it. Don't tell me.
A farmer with five hundred acres of land, or even a cowman who has
to keep a dozen cows in order and look after his own garden, wants
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