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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
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favour I could not dream of soliciting from anybody but Mrs.

It was most inconvenient to Mrs. Poulter to advance twenty pounds at
that moment. But she had her own reasons for not wishing that Mr.
Goacher should imagine she was straitened.

'I believe I can assist you.'

Mr. Goacher dropped on his knees and took the lady's hand, kissing
it fervently.

'My dear madam, may I take this opportunity, in this position, of
declaring what must be obvious to you, that my heart--yes, my heart-
-has been captured and is yours? Identity of views on almost every
subject, social and religious, personal attachment beyond that felt
to any other woman I ever beheld--have we not sufficient reasons, if
you can but respond to my emotion, to warrant an Eden for us in the

'Mr. Goacher, you take me by surprise. I cannot conceal my regard
for you, but you will not expect an answer upon a matter of such
moment until I have given it most mature consideration. Miss
Taggart will be here directly: I think I hear the bell.'

Mr. Goacher slowly rose: Miss Taggart appeared and announced that
the rooms were secured.

To end this part of the story, it may be added that in about a
fortnight Mr. Goacher's throat was quite well, and he announced to
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