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More Pages from a Journal by Mark Rutherford
page 21 of 224 (09%)
Mrs. Poulter his intention of resuming active work in the Church.
The marriage, therefore, was no longer delayed.

A little while afterwards Mrs. Goacher discovered that her husband
had been a missionary in the service of the Church Missionary
Society and had consequently been Low, that he had been returned a
little damaged in character; and that resumption of active work was

Mrs. Mudge had lunch and tea with a friend. When she came back Miss
Toller told her what had happened.

'I dare say you'll blame me. It was wrong to let my temper get the
better of me, but I could not help it.'

'Help it? The wonder to me is you've stood it so long. I couldn't
stand them; I should have left if they hadn't. Have they paid you?'


'What, that Goacher? Then he borrowed it!' and Mrs. Mudge laughed
till she cried.

The day wore on and no carrier came for the box. After dinner Miss
Toller told Mrs. Mudge she must go out for a few minutes to get a
charwoman; that she would take the latch-key, and that nobody would
call. She had gone about a quarter of an hour when there was a ring
at the bell. Mrs. Mudge went to the door and, behold, there was

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