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Thaddeus of Warsaw by Jane Porter
page 21 of 701 (02%)
BRISTOL, _November_, 1844.


II. The Mill of Mariemont.
III. The Opening of the Campaign.
IV. The Pass of Volunna.
V. The Banks of the Vistula.
VI. Society in Poland.
VII. The Diet of Poland.
VIII. Battle of Brzesc--The Tenth of October.
IX. The Last Days of Villanow.
X. Sobieski's Departure from Warsaw.
XI. The Baltic.
XII. Thaddeus's First Day in England.
XIII. The Exile's Lodgings.
XIV. A Robbery and its Consequences.
XV. The Widow's Family.
XVI. The Money-Lender.
XVII. The Meeting of Exiles.
XVIII. The Veteran's Narrative.
XIX. Friendship a Staff in Human Life.
XX. Woman's Kindness.
XXI. Fashionable Sketches from the Life.
XXII. Honorable Resources of an Exile.
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